Emergency Citizen’s Congress
1 To separate ALL corporate money from the lawmakers
2 To repeal all legislation that countermands the Constitution—these would include both Patriot Acts, every torture bill and every Presidential signing statement
3 To legislate completely transparent elections—this would include verifiable paper trails and the elimination of political operatives having any control over vote counting and certification of elections
4 To legislate permanently and for all time, a free and neutral internet—it is the only voice of truth and it must be protected from the corporate/fascist buzzards who are circling it
How can we attain an E.C.C. (Emergency Citizen’s Congress)?
It will ONLY be achievable through grassroots—word of mouth. There is absolutely no room for right/left wedge issues. None of those issues matter if a fascist government working for and in league with multinational corporations controls and dictates our lives.
E.C.C. candidates will be selected by communities and entered as candidates in every Congressional district and Senate seat.
Money and organization for getting E.C.C. candidates on every ballot will be handled by communities. Candidates will not campaign or raise money. It will not matter, they will have specific objectives and they will be the candidate that the citizens will vote for, regardless of name recognition.
Candidates will voluntarily agree to serve, at the most, 2 terms. Their mission with the E.C.C. will be temporary and specific.
Once in office, E.C.C. candidates will work tirelessly to legislate permanent separation of corporate money/lobbyist influence over politicians and in creating policy. E.C.C. candidates will work to break the political party domination of the Republicans and Democrats. Through publicly funded elections, the return of the fairness doctrine for media and increased voter options, the stranglehold will be broken.
This can all be achieved if the citizens unite behind this cause. This is an emergency. Our system is not only broken, it is criminal. The system serves the corporations and the system is ruining our country and our chances of ever achieving true democracy. But, most importantly, the system as it stands today, is ruling the American people with a deaf ear and an iron fist. We MUST reclaim the democratic system for the American citizen and it must happen immediately or we are finished.
Spread this email to everyone. Talk. Make films. Write letters. Be a part of the change that you seek!
Emergency Citizen’s Congress in 2008!
What would six years of collectively voting Emergency Citizens Congress do for America?
First and foremost, it would eliminate the money from the representatives. Those representatives could then legislate corporations and their lobbyists out of the halls of Congress and out of the elections. With publicly funded elections and the return of the fairness doctrine, our representative democracy would stand the chance of living up to its name.
Secondly, ECC legislators would make it a priority to legislate completely transparent and certifiable elections, using paper trails and politically unattached certifiers of elections. Honest elections are the very heart of democracy and inventive measures such as week long elections and same day registration should be considered in order to facilitate the vote of every citizen.
Six years of ECC voting would break the two party duopoly that gives us no choice at all. This system would then be open to the libertarians, greens, independents and so on.
ECC legislators would work to un-legislate all of the laws that countermand the Constitution and its Bill of Rights. ECC legislators would work to undo all laws that foster a police state.
ECC legislators would work to break up the corporate-media monopoly that is currently strangling the people’s airwaves. ECC legislators would work to make the people’s internet a neutral (free from corporate and government taxing and policing) voice of the people.
ECC legislators would push for passage of a constitutional amendment making it impossible for administrations or legislators to merge the US into a North American Union or any other globalist union without a direct vote of the people.
We would have our democratic Republic back in six years. We could achieve a representative democracy.
1 To separate ALL corporate money from the lawmakers
2 To repeal all legislation that countermands the Constitution—these would include both Patriot Acts, every torture bill and every Presidential signing statement
3 To legislate completely transparent elections—this would include verifiable paper trails and the elimination of political operatives having any control over vote counting and certification of elections
4 To legislate permanently and for all time, a free and neutral internet—it is the only voice of truth and it must be protected from the corporate/fascist buzzards who are circling it
How can we attain an E.C.C. (Emergency Citizen’s Congress)?
It will ONLY be achievable through grassroots—word of mouth. There is absolutely no room for right/left wedge issues. None of those issues matter if a fascist government working for and in league with multinational corporations controls and dictates our lives.
E.C.C. candidates will be selected by communities and entered as candidates in every Congressional district and Senate seat.
Money and organization for getting E.C.C. candidates on every ballot will be handled by communities. Candidates will not campaign or raise money. It will not matter, they will have specific objectives and they will be the candidate that the citizens will vote for, regardless of name recognition.
Candidates will voluntarily agree to serve, at the most, 2 terms. Their mission with the E.C.C. will be temporary and specific.
Once in office, E.C.C. candidates will work tirelessly to legislate permanent separation of corporate money/lobbyist influence over politicians and in creating policy. E.C.C. candidates will work to break the political party domination of the Republicans and Democrats. Through publicly funded elections, the return of the fairness doctrine for media and increased voter options, the stranglehold will be broken.
This can all be achieved if the citizens unite behind this cause. This is an emergency. Our system is not only broken, it is criminal. The system serves the corporations and the system is ruining our country and our chances of ever achieving true democracy. But, most importantly, the system as it stands today, is ruling the American people with a deaf ear and an iron fist. We MUST reclaim the democratic system for the American citizen and it must happen immediately or we are finished.
Spread this email to everyone. Talk. Make films. Write letters. Be a part of the change that you seek!
Emergency Citizen’s Congress in 2008!
What would six years of collectively voting Emergency Citizens Congress do for America?
First and foremost, it would eliminate the money from the representatives. Those representatives could then legislate corporations and their lobbyists out of the halls of Congress and out of the elections. With publicly funded elections and the return of the fairness doctrine, our representative democracy would stand the chance of living up to its name.
Secondly, ECC legislators would make it a priority to legislate completely transparent and certifiable elections, using paper trails and politically unattached certifiers of elections. Honest elections are the very heart of democracy and inventive measures such as week long elections and same day registration should be considered in order to facilitate the vote of every citizen.
Six years of ECC voting would break the two party duopoly that gives us no choice at all. This system would then be open to the libertarians, greens, independents and so on.
ECC legislators would work to un-legislate all of the laws that countermand the Constitution and its Bill of Rights. ECC legislators would work to undo all laws that foster a police state.
ECC legislators would work to break up the corporate-media monopoly that is currently strangling the people’s airwaves. ECC legislators would work to make the people’s internet a neutral (free from corporate and government taxing and policing) voice of the people.
ECC legislators would push for passage of a constitutional amendment making it impossible for administrations or legislators to merge the US into a North American Union or any other globalist union without a direct vote of the people.
We would have our democratic Republic back in six years. We could achieve a representative democracy.
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