Monday, April 24, 2006

Trolls, ladies and gentleman,

I have a personal policy of not engaging trolls. It’s like debating a twelve-year old boy who sees only his father’s point of view of the world. He lacks any capacity to understand complexity in issues and does not feel empathy, let alone understand it. He will say something he perceives to be funny and then revel in the disharmony he creates. A name-calling contest is a win for a twelve-year old boy. After the contest, he will claim victory and then go jerk himself off.

Trolls mean nothing. They are as irrelevant to the leaders of the Rabid Right as they are to the intellectuals at Newshounds Post. They serve the same function as a thorn on a Mesquite tree. They are pricks. They are a natural defense mechanism of the tree. Truth be told, they are barely needed by the tree. The tree will not feel it if one is broken off. They are not the leaves of the tree; that part that gives it flower and color. And, they are certainly not part of the wooden, solid structure of the tree.

Trolls, twelve-year old boys and the malicious tools on Fox, cannot be debated in a logical fashion. I, personally, do not have the time to waste trying to educate a flatulent, name-calling little masturbator.


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