Monday, September 25, 2006

American Citizens and Patriots Unite
(Question Federal Authority, Refuse Fascist Dictates and Demand Your Rights)

Question every terrorist attack
Question every border decision that does not directly aim at securing the border
Question every economic decision
Say no to tracking chips
Say no to national ID cards
Say no to camera surveillance
Say no to phone surveillance without a warrant
Demand paper ballots
Demand a completely independent investigation of all aspects of 9/11
Demand a free press and commercial free news from Our airwaves
Demand publicly funded elections
Demand term limits
Demand a return of the fairness doctrine
Demand lobby reform that separates the money from the politicians
Say no to a draft in any form
Question every military decision
Demand an end to the corporate ownership of America
Demand that the richest families and banks, who own the world and have printed 30 to 50 trillion paper dollars with no backing, pay for the violent economic correction that is coming
Demand a drastic reduction in dependence on oil and a shift to renewable resources
Demand an end to all globalist/free trade agreements that benefit only the multi-national corporations who draft the treaties to begin with
Demand immediate repeal of the Patriot Acts
Demand complete determination of and control of your body and mind
Demand repeal of all drug laws
Demand big box store moderation
Demand universal health care
Say no to any drug testing
Say no to check points
Demand repeal of the banker written bankruptcy bill
Question any flu outbreak that requires quarantine
Demand a clean/fluoride free water supply
Demand a monitored and regulated food supply
Demand freedom of religion
Demand freedom from religion
Demand freedom!


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