Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Public Information for Patriots

Liberals, Conservatives, Christians, Moslems, Jews, Atheists…
This is purely information. It is given to you free of charge and all that is asked in return is that you research the information, fully digest it and then use your conscience to act as you see fit.

Press For Truth http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1016720641536424083&q=press+for+truth What do the victim’s families think?
Terror Storm http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7048572757566726569 What is state sponsored false flag terror?
Loose Change http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7866929448192753501&hl=en
911 Revisited http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1951610169657809939
Mind the Gap http://www.officialconfusion.com/77/ 7/7 bombings false flag
911 Mysteries Demolitions Part 1 http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6708190071483512003
Who Killed John O’Neil http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1981225573970187433
Painful Deceptions http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1336167662031629480&q=%22painful+deceptions%22
In Plane Site http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5239334224660559722
Everybody’s Gotta Learn Sometime http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6757267008400743688
Martial Law http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/may2006/020506martiallaw.htm
http://www.st911.org/ Scholars for Truth
http://911truth.org Information and Activism
http://belowgroundsurface.org/ A Wealth of Video Documentation
http://911proof.com Proof
http://prisonplanet.com Alex Jones -- The man who predicted 9/11
http://infowars.com/index.html Alex Jones
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4258946892514662399 Scholars Symposium C-Span
http://www.teamliberty.net/id267.html FBI --Bin Laden Not Wanted for 9/11
http://911timeline.net/ Essential Knowledge
http://prisonplanet.com/articles/September2006/170906Camp.htm FEMA camp
http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/northwoods.html Operation Northwoods
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7267134620652018859 USS Liberty

For those interested in reading
http://truthcourier.com/911.htm The Myth and the Reality of the 9/11 Conspiracies

Listen to a song
http://myspace.com/runenordsman ‘Inside Job’

Take a test—claim the $1,000,000 prize
http://truthcourier.com/nordsmantest.htm 3 Question Test of 911

9/11 is the lynch pin that will awaken all American citizens to the cancer that has taken over our democratic Republic. We fight this fascist regime and their globalist controllers together or we submit to enslavement as we bicker over the wedges that the elites have supplied for us.

All politicians on the national level are compromised. All laws passed by these peacocks of our hallowed halls are to the detriment of the citizen. Rather, they are written for the benefit of corporations and for the further consolidation of power towards the government and over the people. The judiciary is compromised. Laws being written now violate and indeed countermand the Bill of Rights and the Supreme Court is composed of a majority of neocon rubber-stampers. They will rule for the elites and against the people every time. The mainstream media is owned by 5 corporations who openly support and do business with the military industrial complex. GE owns NBC and makes billions from its weapons systems. NBC, not only refuses to ask questions about the next war, NBC will wave the flag and actively support the next war. NBC will only tell the American citizen what GE and the Federal Reserve cabal of uber-powerful criminal bankers want NBC to tell the American citizen. Even the elections are openly stolen by hackable machines with no paper trail, a gift that the Congress intentionally laced into our dying democracy.

These elitist scum own every bit of our system of life. They own the Justice Department. They own the intelligence services. They own the educational institutions through dependence on grants. They own the churches through manipulation and graft. They own the military. They print the money, own the banks and hold all the notes. They own the political parties. They own the police. They own the tv programming. They own the magazines and the newspapers. They have intentionally been flooding the US with illegal under-paid wage slaves, while at the same time, shipping almost all manufacturing jobs to third world countries. They are Already in the process of forming a North American union. They are building a super highway structure, that will take Chinese goods from Mexican ports (by-passing US longshoreman), throughout the US and into Canada. It will be paid for with tolls charged to Americans. Do you recall voting for this? Do you remember voting to be a part of the North American union?

They started the war in Afghanistan in order to build a gas pipeline and to restart the poppy trade. They started the war in Iraq in order to take Iraqi oil out of the market, to deploy massive weapons systems, to provide billions in no bid rebuilding contracts, to slice the Iraqi state into 3 less significant and easily controlled states, and lastly, to provide permanent military bases. They have been systematically implementing a police state, since well before 9/11, but by leaps and bounds ever since.

Are these people capable of pulling off 9/11? You tell me. The Lucitania was intentionally sailed into harm’s way, sunk and the US entered WW1. Recently released documents confirm there was foreknowledge of the attack on Pearl Harbor. The US enters WW 2. US operatives stage terrorism and successfully orchestrate the coup to overthrow the elected leader of Iran and the brutal Shah is imposed. Operation Northwoods, a plan to use terrorism and staged attacks to justify attacking Cuba, is nixed by Kennedy. Kennedy plots a course for his presidency that diverges from the shadow government’s plan for protracted war in Viet Nam. Kennedy is erased. Recently released documents and testimony confirm that the Gulf of Tonkin Incident was staged. The US war machine goes into high gear and billions are made and thousands are killed. Recently released documents prove that the USS Liberty was attacked by Israel in order to blame it on Egypt and President Johnson wanted that boat on the bottom of the ocean. Documents clearly implicate the FBI in the WTC bombing in 1993. The Oklahoma City bombing is whitewashed and blamed on the lone gunman, Tim McVeigh. Press reports of ATF statements of additional bombs in the building are erased.

Could these people have pulled off 9/11? Evidence was removed from all 3 crime scenes by agents of the government. Proper investigations of the scenes were not done. Sand covered the Pentagon lawn the very next day. Steel from the WTC was shipped overseas. Surveillance tapes are state secrets now and audio tapes were destroyed. Black boxes were never found. The airplanes were never put back together. There was no NTSB investigations. The two leading journalists investigating 9/11, Michael Rupert and Chris Bolynn, have left the country because of police intimidation. Any public figure who even asks a question, will be ridiculed, threatened and intimidated by the government and the press. The Bin Laden confession video and several other tapes are proven fakes and the FBI does not list Bin Laden as being wanted for 9/11. There were more than 20 fake blips inserted on radar screens on the morning of 9/11. Most of the interceptors of the American air defense system were involved in a drill in Northern Canada and Alaska. There was a drill running the morning of 9/11 that simulated a plane crashing into the WTC. In an attack that lasted an hour and a half, no planes were scrambled in time. The Pentagon is one of the most heavily fortified and defended buildings in the world and yet, they never fired a shot. You tell me. How did these hijackers defeat our entire $500,000,000,000 air defense system? If these hijackers really did succeed in fooling the CIA, the FBI, the NSA, NORAD and the FAA, then why hasn’t ANYONE been fired, demoted, court martialed or held accountable? Who really had the means, motive and opportunity to make this false flag plan, a reality?

What has happened since has been a stream of terror alerts, starting with the anthrax attack, which just happened to coincide with the rush passage of the already written Patriot Act. Anthrax was sent to a couple of media sources and US made, weapons grade anthrax was sent to the highest ranking Democrats. The trail went cold or did it? The scientist who was arrested, never charged, and then released, claims innocence and no one else was ever charged. When you then learn that the White House staff was started on Cipro one month before, it is cause for thought. The color coded alert system was a proven political tool in order to boost poll numbers. The 7/7 bombings explanation is fraught with lies and whitewash and has MI 5 written all over it. The Madrid bombings were blamed on terrorists and now it turns out it was the Spanish Secret Service. Several plots have been stoked and entrapped by intelligence services here. After the fact, you learn that the terrorists had no means to accomplish the plot and were in effect, patsies. The liquid bomber plot was exposed and acted on because of pressure from the US. There was no way to make the liquid bombs work, there were no bombs and most of the suspects didn’t have passports. No matter, each time one of these events is reported, the fear is ratcheted up, ‘terror’ and ‘terrorists’ is repeated again and again and more intrusive, Bill of Rights’ raping legislation is passed.

Osama Bin Laden worked for and was armed by the CIA. After the Soviets were expelled from Afghanistan, he turned his sights on the US troops in Saudi Arabia. He was a nothing with a rag tag group of followers before the US gave his group the name al Qaeda. After that he was mentioned constantly so that we were prepared to hear that he was responsible for 9/11. Now al Qaeda is a world wide, ever changing, secretive terrorist organization bent on the eternal terror of America. We are being programmed and lied to and this whole thing is a war OF terror against the freedoms of Americans and indeed the citizens of the western world. Please do not make the foolish decision to dismiss me as a conspiracy theorist. Do the research. Check my facts. When the veil of denial falls away, the magnitude of the realization will hit you in the gut. At that point, you must face the mirror and figure out what kind of human being you really are and what in the hell you can do to join the fight.

What’s next? The North American Union is already underway and is to be fully functional by 2010. At this point, the Constitution, including the Bill of Rights, will be inconsequential. A grid of roads will be tolled. Cameras at each toll as well as biometric passes and transponders in the vehicles will all keep track of our comings and goings. Cameras and microphones placed anywhere and everywhere will surveil the citizenry. Phone calls will be logged, tracked and listened to at any point deemed reasonable by the authorities. Medical records, banking records, purchasing records and all internet traffic will be available to authorities whenever they deem it necessary. If your actions are interpreted as being hostile to the authorities, you can be taken from your home without a warrant, tortured, held without charges and representation or if charged with being an ‘enemy combatant’, you can be held for the duration of the ‘war’. Private property rights will be at the discretion of the authorities. FEMA camps are already being built to house dissenters and anyone the authorities deem necessary. Church leaders have been trained as organizers in the event of a FEMA emergency. They are to encourage compliance and facilitate the confiscation of weapons. There will be nowhere to run. Opportunities will be gone. Freedom of choice will be gone. As many sheeple as are needed, will be used to fight wars for resources. This is America, Goddamn It!

How can we possibly stop this from happening? We have nothing but righteousness on our side. If we stand together and calmly say NO, the tyrants cannot win. They are powerful, but few. We are much more powerful than any tyrant if we are informed and we stand together. If we stand alone, we are doomed.

My fellow patriots and citizens--Please Wake Up Immediately. Break out of the false right/left paradigm and see the government and the reality for what it is and not for what you’ve been told it is. They have their sights set on bombing Iran and the midterm elections loom. You need not fear Iran or Islamo-fascists, but you damn well better be ready for false flag terror, more war and less rights. Join your fellow patriots in exposing this lie, so that we can go about the business of saving our country from enslavement and police state control at the hands of these, elitist scum. We, the people, must take back our country and our destiny!


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