Wednesday, March 22, 2006

The Trouble Maker Religions
(A Brief History)

Ancient peoples try to explain how we got here, with fables told and passed down from generation to generation.
After hundreds of thousands of years, man starts to cultivate crops aggressively at the expense of nature and natural law and as a means to grow the tribe.
Man starts to follow a man-made, ‘the god’s will smite you down, if you don’t obey’ religion as a means to control behaviors caused by cultivation, locking up the food supply and of course, an ever growing tribe.
Rules are added as needed. By the way, all of these rules are naturally, the will of the gods.
One day, the concept of a single, male, ruler god is embraced by one tribe.
Eventually, a prophet of this God, is turned in by his own tribe for apparently misinterpreting the will of their God and is brutally executed by the authorities, who believe in other gods.
People cling to this prophet after his death. His words give them the hope, that beyond the toil, enslavement and the shortness of their illness-infested lives, there exists something better, that is indeed coming for THEM very soon and the rest of the world will be cleansed and wiped clean.
300 years later, the Holy Roman Emperor, Constantine, uses the growing faith (Constantine was only baptized on his death bed) and combines it with the traditional pagan holidays and myths to make the now, single RELIGION of the EMPIRE in order to unify the people and deify, himself. The bible is pulled together, edited and rewritten as needed. Texts are chosen and texts are disregarded accordingly. Pagan holidays, a pagan virgin birth, a pagan resurrection and a pagan Zeus-like all powerful GOD are all wrapped up with Jewish texts and ‘accounts’ of the life of the prophet to form the absolute TRUTH about the GOD.
Hundreds of years later, a council votes and decides that yes, indeed, the ancient prophet is ‘The Christ’ and is therefore, a god. The Bible is edited further.
The church grows ever stronger and more dominant over people’s lives. More rules are written, including harsh punishments and death for disbelief, questioning or deviating in any way, from the Rules of GOD.
Meanwhile, another religion has sprung up; a different prophet, same GOD, different name, slightly different instructions, but with equally harsh rules for noncompliance.
He seems to be humorless and have the same kind of disrespect for women and ANYONE who doesn’t bow before HIM.
The followers of these two religions despise one another. After all, the differences are profound. One religion’s GOD is clearly a white man and the other religion’s GOD has a darker color to his skin. They do agree that HE is one in the same. What? Well, at least they agree that clearly, HE is a man; a really big man, that isn’t a man at all.
Science develops and disproves most of the assertions of the ancient men’s writings as to how things work and as to how we got here.
Scientists and other doubters are tortured, belittled and killed by these CHURCHS of the GODS, in order to preserve the TRUTH as to why things are the way the CHURCH says they are and how it is that we are here.
New churches split from Constantine’s Holy Roman Empire CHURCH and get rid of a lot of the ceremony. However, they follow Constantine’s HOLY BOOK as written. These are fundamentalists, who follow only the strict and direct words of GOD, HIMSELF, as told to some ancient guys on the edge of the desert, in different languages, thousands of years ago and then re-edited by the Emperor’s men.
Nobody splits from the other prophet’s CHURCH. It is fundamentally forbidden to leave.
Today, both Christians and Moslems believe they are following the ONE TRUE WAY that will lead them to heaven (a wonderful place up in the sky) and that all other religions are wrong and that ANYONE who doesn’t follow their religion is going to HELL (a horrible place below the ground).
This is the word of the lord.
Rune Nordsman


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