Thursday, March 30, 2006

In Defense of Dr. Matt

On a recent O’Reilly response blog at Newshounds, Dr. Matt was told to tone it down by another blogger. To me, the other blogger seemed to genuinely be trumpeting the cause of civil discourse between allies (Dr. Matt and a Repug troll), who after all, were both Americans. Dr. Matt snapped back something uncivil, but funny. The blogger interested in civil discourse threatened to leave the blog for good. He, by the way, was a liberal too.

I find myself feeling sorry for the civil blogger, but siding with Dr. Matt. He is a minuteman in the war against our country. DrMatt is firing back and can clearly see through most of the babble immediately in order to expose the ‘reich-wing’. Sometimes innocents get popped.

What Dr. Matt understands and what the civil blogger may or may not truly realize, is that we’re not fighting a worthy adversary in a neutral court with equal rules and equal tools. If those days ever existed, they certainly do not now.

Neocons have taken over our country. They did not do this by winning elections. They did this: 1 By keeping elections close with smear and noise, and an alliance with the Christian Fundamentalist Front, 2 By suppression of Democratic (black and poor) voters where the opportunity existed and where those particular electoral votes were necessary and 3 By using voting machines owned by fellow neocons that are hackable and untraceable.

Our democracy has been stolen, but you would never know this from watching television. Fox is the flagship destroyer of the fleet, the good ship ‘Hard On’. However, far deadlier, because they reach much larger audiences and are considered legitimate, are NBC, ABC, CBS, The New York Times, The Washington Post and on. ENTERnewsTAINMENT Networks are a disgrace. The media is completely owned by a few very powerful corporations, who cover what they want to cover. I assure you that their self-interests, as owners of OUR AIRWAVES, are not in the best interests of the individual American or any Democrat who might be interested in tampering with the machine.

In addition to this, as if I need to mention it, Republicans are the ones who got the huge tax break and consequently own a lot of our country.

This is what we’re up against. This is not a discussion of policy amongst concerned Americans. This is not a give and take amongst liberals with ideas and conservatives with fiscal discipline. This is not a fair fight, where at the end of the debate, honor carries the day.

The war was fought and won while Democrats were still fighting traditional battles. If the Democrats do not win big in the mid term elections, I’m afraid we, as a democratic nation, are lost. Close elections will go to the Republicans. You can count on it. Our democracy and nation are teetering and Dr. Matt is firing pop shots at a huge Red State Army. I’m a progressive from Texas, where, I’m ashamed to say, a lot of the merciless, greedy, powerful and arrogant leaders of the Red State Army were spawned. Fire away Dr. Matt!

Rune Nordsman

Monday, March 27, 2006

Overpopulation and The False Issue

Let me start by saying that the overwhelming majority of Democrats, liberals, progressives, women’s rights advocates and other forward thinkers, I’d say 99% to 100%, wish there were no abortions needed, sought or performed. There should be open education and prevention programs. Education cures overpopulation. Education stems the spread of disease. Education makes for reasoned and rational choices when it comes to sexuality—in all its varied and natural forms. If given the time and chance, science will provide the means to virtually eliminate a woman having to choose an abortion. Given the time and chance, science will give us the means to voluntarily, as a species, control our numbers and in doing so, save our species from catastrophe and the world’s ecosystem from complete collapse.

That being said, anyone who brings up God’s will and his love for human life simply has to reckon with the fact that the human species, with its over breeding and insatiable appetite for harvestable lands and finite natural resources, is destroying the life-sustaining system of this planet. Global warming will probably get us first and a disease worse than the bird flu is certainly awaiting us; our numbers and our connectivity are breeding it. But, if we get the chance, overpopulation will destroy civilization as we know it and as we envision it to be.

It took only about 35 years for the world population to double to 6 billion in 2005. If it were to double again in another 35 years, we will have a world population of 12 billion by 2041. There are those who say that we’ve already reached the sustainable growth plateau and that the astronomical growth of the last 200 years has started to level off. There are those that say we could have 0% growth by 2023. There are even those that claim there never has been an overpopulation problem and that in effect, overpopulation is a myth. Consider the fact that there are more people alive today than have EVER DIED!

I culled the following scenario from Ishmael (Daniel Quinn) based on the current rate of doubling. Human beings, if unhindered by obstacles of travel, breathable air, food supply, and so on would do the following to the universe in the decades and centuries ahead:

In 35 years we’d fill another planet-- after 70 years, 4 planets would be full—after 105 years, 8 planets would be full-- a billion planets would be full by the year 3000-- by 3300, a hundred billion planets would be full-- 35 years later, another galaxy would be full-- in the year 4000, the planets of a million galaxies would be full-- in the year 5000, all of the planets of a trillion galaxies would be full—in other words, every planet in the universe would be filled with human beings in 3000 years. Marvin Harris calculated that if the population doubles every 20 years instead of the 35 years used above—well, the entire universe would be a solid mass of human protoplasm in fewer than 2000 years! It is clear that human beings do know how to reproduce.

I personally feel that 6 billion human beings are way too many for the resources and the ecosystem of our small and interconnected world. It is certainly too many to sustain the diversity of species that makes for a healthy and naturally balanced system. People alive today will witness, within their lifetimes, the extinction of thousands of species of animals and plants. Young adults and children will witness the end of the wilderness for giraffes, lions, rhinos, tigers, water buffalo, elephants, gorillas and most probably polar bears and wolves. There simply isn’t enough space for these large species to live naturally even now. Can you imagine the implications of another 6 billion human mouths to feed?

I speak now to the Pope and all of the other religious leaders and to the millions of faith based followers who are striving to enact their version of God’s law upon the rest of humanity. Does God want billions to die of starvation, disease and poverty? Does God want a complete breakdown of his ecosystem, because one of his species has overrun all the others and devastated the design? My hope would be that God wants humans to thrive and steward the land and the water and the air, so that generation after generation could be happy and prosperous, living in harmony with one another and with every other species of animal and plant. This natural system was designed after all, by an all knowing, all loving creator.

There is a reason for what the secular humanists would call natural ‘balance’. A fundamentalist Christian might call it ‘intelligent design’. A naturalist/scientist might say something on the order of, ‘whatever you call it—the way it all works, and it does work, is brilliant’.

There are abortions in the natural world every second of every minute. There are child killings and turf murders every second of every minute in the natural world. It is nature’s way of controlling populations of species. It is God’s way. When there are too many deer because man has killed all of the lions, the deer overpopulate and as a result, they starve and die of disease. It is God’s way of controlling this population. The young, the old, and the weak will die first, but many more will die as well. It is the nature of the planet, it is logical and it is God’s way.

Human beings are animals as well. We are subject to the laws of nature. We are subject to the ways of God. It is simply not a matter of saving every human sperm that has impregnated a human egg. It is a question of whether humans can save humanity. Nobody wants abortion. It’s a false issue. I’m assuming that nobody wants human extinction, either. Given the laws of God’s nature, what do you think you should do as a servant of God and a concerned member of the human race?

Should you work to keep young breeders ignorant and unprepared so that their natural chances greatly improve for accidental impregnation and further overpopulation? Or should you act within God’s laws to work to save our garden from overgrazing, lack of water and ultimate desertification?

We are the deer. The difference is that, on our own, we have eradicated the lions and all the other predators except for disease and starvation. While we’re overgrazing, over breeding and saving every fawn, hunger and illness are biding their time in the grass. When we’ve eaten that grass down to the soil, we will find our predators. It is God’s way.

We all live in the same garden. The conservative deer and the liberal deer all breathe the same air, drink the same water and eat the same grass. The difference seems to be that the liberal deer sense the impending doom. This of course, does nothing for the liberal deer, because we live as a species and we die as a species. Knowledge won’t save us if the fat deer, who eat the most grass, force all deer to reproduce unabated, with a whistling attitude of righteousness that stares happily forward at extinction. It is time for all of us to take stock and look at the diminishing supply of grass and the lack of visible predators and react while there’s still time.

If anti abortionists get their way, and it appears now that the Supreme Court is stacked and ready, then the US will be adding thousands more a year to the billions more. Whether we reach the boiling point at 7 billion or at 12 billion or at 15 billion, we’re talking about a hellish world of hunger and overcrowding and a completely decimated ecosystem. These are not days hundreds of years from now. These are our own children and grandchildren. This is the immediate future of humanity. Are the lives of all of the humans to follow us as sacred as every sperm and egg coupling that we save today? Billions and billions will suffer and die just like the lions and deer before them. Our predators are lying in wait.

God’s way is nature’s way and one way or another, our overpopulation, over cultivation and all out war on nature will slam into an intelligent wall of design. With or without un-Godly, manmade restrictions on the human female’s right to her own sexuality, humanity has an approaching date in the court of natural law and will meet its day of reckoning.

Rune Nordsman

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

The Trouble Maker Religions
(A Brief History)

Ancient peoples try to explain how we got here, with fables told and passed down from generation to generation.
After hundreds of thousands of years, man starts to cultivate crops aggressively at the expense of nature and natural law and as a means to grow the tribe.
Man starts to follow a man-made, ‘the god’s will smite you down, if you don’t obey’ religion as a means to control behaviors caused by cultivation, locking up the food supply and of course, an ever growing tribe.
Rules are added as needed. By the way, all of these rules are naturally, the will of the gods.
One day, the concept of a single, male, ruler god is embraced by one tribe.
Eventually, a prophet of this God, is turned in by his own tribe for apparently misinterpreting the will of their God and is brutally executed by the authorities, who believe in other gods.
People cling to this prophet after his death. His words give them the hope, that beyond the toil, enslavement and the shortness of their illness-infested lives, there exists something better, that is indeed coming for THEM very soon and the rest of the world will be cleansed and wiped clean.
300 years later, the Holy Roman Emperor, Constantine, uses the growing faith (Constantine was only baptized on his death bed) and combines it with the traditional pagan holidays and myths to make the now, single RELIGION of the EMPIRE in order to unify the people and deify, himself. The bible is pulled together, edited and rewritten as needed. Texts are chosen and texts are disregarded accordingly. Pagan holidays, a pagan virgin birth, a pagan resurrection and a pagan Zeus-like all powerful GOD are all wrapped up with Jewish texts and ‘accounts’ of the life of the prophet to form the absolute TRUTH about the GOD.
Hundreds of years later, a council votes and decides that yes, indeed, the ancient prophet is ‘The Christ’ and is therefore, a god. The Bible is edited further.
The church grows ever stronger and more dominant over people’s lives. More rules are written, including harsh punishments and death for disbelief, questioning or deviating in any way, from the Rules of GOD.
Meanwhile, another religion has sprung up; a different prophet, same GOD, different name, slightly different instructions, but with equally harsh rules for noncompliance.
He seems to be humorless and have the same kind of disrespect for women and ANYONE who doesn’t bow before HIM.
The followers of these two religions despise one another. After all, the differences are profound. One religion’s GOD is clearly a white man and the other religion’s GOD has a darker color to his skin. They do agree that HE is one in the same. What? Well, at least they agree that clearly, HE is a man; a really big man, that isn’t a man at all.
Science develops and disproves most of the assertions of the ancient men’s writings as to how things work and as to how we got here.
Scientists and other doubters are tortured, belittled and killed by these CHURCHS of the GODS, in order to preserve the TRUTH as to why things are the way the CHURCH says they are and how it is that we are here.
New churches split from Constantine’s Holy Roman Empire CHURCH and get rid of a lot of the ceremony. However, they follow Constantine’s HOLY BOOK as written. These are fundamentalists, who follow only the strict and direct words of GOD, HIMSELF, as told to some ancient guys on the edge of the desert, in different languages, thousands of years ago and then re-edited by the Emperor’s men.
Nobody splits from the other prophet’s CHURCH. It is fundamentally forbidden to leave.
Today, both Christians and Moslems believe they are following the ONE TRUE WAY that will lead them to heaven (a wonderful place up in the sky) and that all other religions are wrong and that ANYONE who doesn’t follow their religion is going to HELL (a horrible place below the ground).
This is the word of the lord.
Rune Nordsman

Thursday, March 09, 2006

War on America!

I wonder if Karl Rove ever thought about ordering Bush to create a Freedom Czar to oversee the War on American Freedoms. The repugs have made their ‘vision’ for America perfectly clear with a stream of little wars on this or that, but will the ‘mainstream’ or ‘middle America’ ever realize that The War is on them. Let’s take a look at the ruling party’s agenda through a list of their wars on…
War on homosexuals—because there’s got to be a boogieman and a way to scare people and raise money
War on flag burning—because there’s been massive flag burnings all over the nation
War on Hollywood—because the movie industry is a forum that neocons do not control and it plays well with people who listen to talk radio to demonize the kind of free thinking and free market entertainment provided by D.C. outsiders
War on women’s reproductive rights—because a large percentage of those who vote repug do so religiously based on this one issue—the perception of concern buys the bulk of these votes
War on the poor and the disadvantaged—because compassionate conservativism is simply word play and sounds a lot better than selfish greed head
War on drugs--wasting billions every year and ruining thousands of lives one new prison at a time
War on environmental protections—for example passing the Clear Skies Initiative that allows for More acid rain
War on pornography—because nudity offends certain people and should therefore be banned for all people
War on worker’s rights and protections
War on separation of church and state
War on dissent and divergent thought
War on terror—the 911 Commission gives them an ‘F’ and states that we are less safe today
War on disaster preparedness—when you appoint cronies, you get mismanagement and when as an administration you truly do not care about things like hurricanes, then you get New Orleans 2005
War on a sensible gun control policy—because the NRA is very powerful and a great many people vote repug religiously to protect their misinterpretation of the second amendment—protection of semi-automatic and automatic weapons = automatic votes
War on fiscal restraint—against the advice of Paul O’Neil (Treasury Secretary) on the dangers of deficit spending, Bush has outspent every other president, destroyed the surplus that Clinton gave him and crippled future administrations for years to come
War on taxes for the very wealthy
War on civil discourse—while Repug Senators and Congressmen generally know how to appear polite, the same cannot be said for their Rovian handlers whose standard operating procedure is to smear and leak in the shadows or for the Fox propaganda machine, with it’s highly paid, vicious liars and tools who, as a matter of business, spew the agenda and spin of the RNC
War on corporate oversight—this apparently, is something that is better left out of government and placed in the hands of self-policing industries
War on protection from government wiretaps—because laws get in the way of spying on the citizenry, especially when we the citizens should know that it’s only for our own good and we can trust the president
War on legitimate elections—through laws like HAVA, which allow for electronic voting machines to provide no paper trail, Secretaries of States to certify the machines and the elections, even though they also happen to serve as campaign managers for the ruling party, and machines made by private companies who openly support the ruling party
War on media oversight of the government—it is apparently o.k. for Rove and Cheney to leak the name of CIA operatives, but reporters will be prosecuted for revealing our government’s secret gulags, so that torture can ‘occur’ without the pesky Constitution getting in the way
War on public education—No Child Left Behind is an abject failure because naturally, it wasn’t funded—it is an edict from above designed to weaken the system and open the door for yet further diversion of funds toward private schooling
War on public broadcasting—since the agenda in public broadcasting is to report the stories in as unbiased a manner as is possible and to provide content that isn’t given the forum on commercial TV, they are liberals and shouldn’t be publicly funded
War on telecommunications oversight—the most powerful lobby in D.C. is the telecommunications industry—where does America get its news, TV—who provides the broadcast, GE (NBC), who also supplies weapon systems and on and on for Bush’s invasion of Iraq—is there any doubt why NBC never asked why we were going to war, but only when?
War on affordable health care—Bill Frist dumped his family’s HMO stock before it fell, maybe he knew something we didn’t—the U.S. has the 37th best health care system of the advanced nations of the world
War on affordable college education--because millionaires and billionaires desperately needed tax relief
War on America’s image—we used to be admired and now we’re despised, not just by our enemies, but by our friends
War on campaign finance reform—if you take the money out of the campaigns, you’d have nothing left but regular people running for office in order to serve their country or state or county—this apparently, would be bad for Republicans
War on lobbying reform—if you take away all of the money and manipulation, you’d have nothing left but Senators and Congressman who actually voted for what they believed in
War on an actual energy policy—the current one was drafted by Ken Lay (Bush’s biggest campaign contributor) and his associates in the industry
War on Social Security—enough said
The repug wars are wars on individual freedoms and protections. They are wars on a responsible government for the people and by the people. Chief strategist for the Republican regime, Grover Norquist, wants to shrink government to the size that it can be drowned in a bathtub. I believe the great majority of Americans want a government that peacefully conducts the people’s business. But, America needs to wake up fast. I can here the water running.

Rune Nordsman

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

In Other Words: The Forty Third President

The toxic bitch, Ann Coulter, uses slander and libel on a daily basis. How does that bigoted, horse-faced, hate-monger get away with it? Well, she knows it's expensive to challenge and she, on the other hand, makes loads of money selling and spewing to equally narrow minded wingnuts and so called ‘Christians’.
I won’t stoop to her slanderous and libelous name calling level, but I will print a list of descriptive names for her leader, you know, what’s his name, the shrub, the ex-alcoholic and drug abuser, you know, the draft-dodger who went AWOL, failed at three businesses, fucked up Texas and then was illegitimately appointed President of the United States by his father’s Supreme Court, oh yea, President dubya bush.
Bushbots, neocon excusists and other members of the cult of Bush will use the following to describe their leader; President, Commander in Chief, Christian, a good man, conservative, leader, moral, confident, a regular guy. These are all at best inaccurate and in reality, lies.
The following descriptions are more truthful. They come from the other 70% of the American population and practically the entire world. They will be used by historians and future generations to reference his heinous, the fraudulent simpleton, America’s, King George ‘The Fake’. Here goes.
Liar, phony, undeserving, illegitimate, amoral, aggressively stubborn, uninformed, non-reader, sadist, pathological, hypocrite, coward, AWOL, alcohol and drug addled, draft-dodger, failed businessman, stupid, unpatriotic, inept, simple minded, unenlightened, vindictive, embarrassing, pathetic, smug, tool, arrogant, close minded, unrealistic, not a real Texan, foolish, evil, Rove’s monster, Cheney’s bitch, dumber than a box of rocks, punk ass chump, son of a bush, corrupt, terrorist, criminal, unreasonable, irrational, unthinking, unapologetic, back stabber (just ask John McCain), neocon, face of the religious radical right, dangerous, spoiled, smirker, megalo-maniac, half-wit, unfit to lead, ineloquent, fake cowboy, fake fighter pilot, fake president, torturer, law breaker, worse than Nixon, outlaw president, tin horn dictator, brat, child emperor, worst president ever, anti-intellectual, anti-American and as history will bare out, simply Not The Legitimately Elected President of the United States from 2000-2???
