Tuesday, February 21, 2006

(This is a relatively minor story compared with all of the other anti-American and anti-human acts of the ruling right, but it’s worth stating the truth, since the white wash and the under the rug sweep is almost completed by the power base and their minions.)

Dead Eye Dick’s Deferred Again
Rune Nordsman
Feb. 20, 2006

Dick and Harry went down to south Texas to kill wing-clipped, farm bread birds, scared up by ranch hands. They drove in a car with two women (not their wives) to locations predetermined to contain these easy kills.
Dick and Harry and the ladies go to a picnic earlier in the day and drink ‘one beer’. Dick and Harry don’t have the necessary permits for the slaughter, those seem to be just silly rules for commoners. After Dick hears a rustle in the bush, he fires and shoots Harry in the face. He fails to look first, this is standard operating procedure for Dick. He is a lot closer than he claims. Dick then uses the secret service to escort him away from the scene and away from local law enforcement, so that his drinking won’t be discovered and disclosed.
After 18 hours the White House is forced to confirm the story. By this time, Dick’s blood alcohol level is ok. Two days later, Dick speaks to the press (well, more accurately, Brit Hume spoon feeds Dick easy questions on GOP ‘News’ (better known by its common name, FOX ‘News’).
The official line is that, it is Harry’s fault for not letting Dick know that he was standing in front of him and that besides, these things happen all the time. Why is the liberal press making such a big deal out of it? As a matter of truth, there were 1.1 million hunting licenses issued last year in Texas and only 36 accidents.
After a minor heart attack, Harry is released from the hospital and apologizes to Dick for the inconvenience. Harry is a good soldier.
This seems to do the trick for Dick, because their King, George (also a cowboy and a fighter pilot), accepts Dick’s explanation completely.
Local law enforcement closes the case even though they never interview Dick and there are discrepancies in the stories from the hunting ‘party’.
Dead Eye Dick is now back at work, shooting America and the world in the face and saying, “go fuck yourself”.
By the way, I believe the worst day of Dick’s life was probably the day his fourth deferment from military service in Vietnam didn’t immediately come through as planned. Eventually, it did come through, as did the fifth deferment, and Dick never had to become a professional shooter. Well, that is until recently, when he ordered thousands of our young people to die and be maimed in his neocon/business war. He gets a deferred salary from Halliburton for his service in this war.
Dick Cheney: What a marksman! What a patriot! What a man!


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