Monday, April 24, 2006

Trolls, ladies and gentleman,

I have a personal policy of not engaging trolls. It’s like debating a twelve-year old boy who sees only his father’s point of view of the world. He lacks any capacity to understand complexity in issues and does not feel empathy, let alone understand it. He will say something he perceives to be funny and then revel in the disharmony he creates. A name-calling contest is a win for a twelve-year old boy. After the contest, he will claim victory and then go jerk himself off.

Trolls mean nothing. They are as irrelevant to the leaders of the Rabid Right as they are to the intellectuals at Newshounds Post. They serve the same function as a thorn on a Mesquite tree. They are pricks. They are a natural defense mechanism of the tree. Truth be told, they are barely needed by the tree. The tree will not feel it if one is broken off. They are not the leaves of the tree; that part that gives it flower and color. And, they are certainly not part of the wooden, solid structure of the tree.

Trolls, twelve-year old boys and the malicious tools on Fox, cannot be debated in a logical fashion. I, personally, do not have the time to waste trying to educate a flatulent, name-calling little masturbator.
We’ve heard a lot of talk from the GOP echo chamber about the Democrats not having a plan. The Democrats don’t want to give the Republicans any ideas to steal and appear to be playing it safe. Well, I’ve got a plan for them and I can guarantee that the GOP won’t steal any of these ideas!
If you agree with me, please pass this on.

A 10 Point Plan for the Dems

Investigate the stolen elections of 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006? --repeal HAVA and pass a law that provides for open and legitimate elections

Investigate and expose the 9/11 attack on America—there must be a completely independent investigation of ‘the New Pearl Harbor’ and the subsequent whitewash by the 9/11 Commission and collusion by the main stream media

Investigate the administration fully, impeach Bush and then arrest Bush, Cheney, Rove, Rumsfeld, Rice etc.

Enact a reasoned and rational plan for withdrawal of troops from Iraq

Investigate all expenditures, no-bid contracts and absolute failures in Iraq and New Orleans—fine, prosecute and arrest

Comprehensively study and then enact an energy plan for the United States—it must deal with the realities of ‘peak oil’ and global warming (the neocon plan was/is to ignore global warming and to secure the oil and gas reserves that are left for American commerce— a pipeline through Afghanistan, 14 permanent military bases in Iraq, the impending conflicts with Iran and Venezuela?, and of course, the protection of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait)—if you do not know about ‘peak oil’, do some research, get concerned and then realize that Cheney and the elites that he represents know all about it

Pass comprehensive campaign finance reform—this is a no-brainer, but the Dems must act in the interests of saving our democratic republic

Pass comprehensive lobby reform—without it we have no democracy—the system today is a cesspool of corruption and does not even resemble a government for the people and by the people

Investigate the results of the disastrous Telecommunications Act (signed by Clinton) and pass a new act to fix it—consolidation of the ownership of the people’s airwaves into the hands of a few powerful corporations leaves the people without a choice, without a voice and ill informed

Re-enact the fairness doctrine—Reagan did away with this valuable safeguard for just and equal political debate (remember America, these are YOUR airwaves and not GE’s, Walt Disney’s and Rupert Murdoch’s)

Rune Nordsman

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Election Fraud in the United States (The End of Democracy)

Bob Urosevich is the President of Deibold. His brother, Todd, is vice president at a competing company, Omaha-based Election Systems & Software (ES &S). These two companies count nearly 80 percent of the electronic votes cast in the United States.
Wally O’Dell until recently the CEO of Diebold, raised 100,000 for Bush’s campaign at a private fundraiser at his mansion and vowed in a GOP fundraising letter to“bring home Ohio’s electoral votes for George Bush”. William and Robert Ahmanson infused the Urosevich’s company which would evolve into ES &S. California newspapers have long documented the Ahmanson family’s ties to right-wing evangelical Christian and Republican circles. In 1996, Chuck Hagel became the first elected Republican Nebraska senator in 24 years when he did surprisingly well in an election where the votes were verified by the company he served as chairman and maintained a financial investment. In both the 1996 and 2002 elections, Hagel’s ES&S counted an estimated 80% of his winning votes. Due to the contracting out of services, confidentiality agreements between the State of Nebraska and the company kept this matter out of the public eye. Hagel’s first election victory was described as a “stunning upset” by one Nebraska newspaper.

Through HAVA (Help America Vote Act), states are given money that they must use to buy electronic voting machines in order to prevent reoccurrences of the 2000 Florida Presidential problems. So, states have the choice between Diebold, ES & S and Sequoia, which a secretive, intransparent company called ‘Smartmatic’ that’s known to have ties to the Venezuelan government, has just bought! The problem for honest Secretaries of States is that each of these systems has software flaws, each is able to be hacked, each has internal operating systems that are secretive and protected as a trade secret and none of them are required to leave a paper ballot, so that the vote can be recounted. The vote can be flipped without a trace left behind. Diebold machines can be accessed remotely through telephone line.

The State of Nevada has access to all software for slot machines in Las Vegas and it is illegal to use software that is not on file. Software for electronic voting machines is a trade secret. State gaming inspectors show up unannounced at casinos to compare computer chips with those on file and if there’s a discrepancy, the machine is shut down and investigated. There are no such checks required for electronic voting machines and indeed there is no chip available for Election officials. Manufacturers of slot machines are background checked and employees investigated for criminal records. There is no way for citizens to know whether programmers of electronic voting machines have been convicted of fraud. Slot machines are certified by a public agency and the public is invited to ask questions. Electronic voting machine manufacturers pay for-profit companies to test and no public information is available. In the event of dispute, the casino must contact investigators of the Gaming Control Board, who can open the machine and inspect the internals. A voter can call the board of elections. A claim may or may not be lodged. It may or may not be investigated.
A Finnish security expert was able to flip a vote on a Diebold machine, by adding plus and minus votes to the memory card. . CNN/Associated Press - "An error with an electronic voting system gave President Bush 3,893 extra votes in suburban Columbus. Franklin County's unofficial results had Bush receiving 4,258 votes to Democrat John Kerry's 260 votes in a precinct in Gahanna. Records show only 638 voters cast ballots in that precinct.”
Florida 2004, in Baker County, for example, with 12,887 registered voters, 69.3% of them Democrats and 24.3% of them Republicans, the vote was only 2,180 for Kerry and 7,738 for Bush, the opposite of what is seen everywhere else in the country where registered Democrats largely voted for Kerry. In Dixie County, with 9,676 registered voters, 77.5% of them Democrats and a mere 15% registered as Republicans, only 1,959 people voted for Kerry, but 4,433 voted for Bush. The pattern repeats over and over again - but only in the counties where optical scanners were used. Franklin County, 77.3% registered Democrats, went 58.5% for Bush. Holmes County, 72.7% registered Democrats, went 77.25% for Bush.
Lest we forget, exit polls, which are highly accurate, predicted a 5 million vote victory for Kerry and yet he lost by 3 million. This is far beyond the margin of error. The chances of the polling data being so wrong is 1 in 959,000. Did George W. Bush Steal America's 2004 Election? by Bob Fitrakis, Steve Rosenfeld and Harvey Wasserman
This of course doesn’t even account for the voters who were disenfranchised before they even got to the polls. There were voting machine shortages in Democratic districts. There were fraudulent felony purges of voter rolls. There were barriers to registration. There were unmailed, lost and cavalierly rejected absentee ballots. The exit polls sample only those voters who have already overcome these hurdles.
These examples are a drop in the bucket. Just look and you will find case after case after case. I did a Google search for electronic voting machines problems and got 20,800,000 matches. I did a search for election fraud and got 31,900,000 matches. There is so much information available: it is mind-boggling. It is also heart sickening.

If the vote counters are business partners with the ruling party, and if the ruling party pays states to buy machines that are not at all secure and yet, completely secret from the public, and no paper trail is available to recount; then how in the world can any American believe that the vote is being counted honestly? As Ronald Reagan said, “Trust, but verify.” As Josef Stalin said, “Those who cast the votes decide nothing, those who count the votes, decide everything.”
DO NOT take my word for it. Please reference the following links or find your own and become disturbed. Spread the word. Issues, personalities, polling data, causes, right and wrong, right and left mean nothing if elections can be manipulated in secret. Our voice is heard when we vote. If, we the people, let elections go on in this current state; we have NO voice and you can stick a fork in America, ‘cause we’re done. over 250 links a brief history of electronic election fraud ownership of electronic machines Florida vote rigging scandal up to date voter news the brothers Urosevich,1272,61045,00.html

Rune Nordsman